Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Star Wars: The 100

Star Wars: "The 100"

Chapter 1

The sun was rising slowly on the warm island of Duci, a very remote and uninhabited island. A welcome breeze greeted the face of the young Jedi known only as Jess. He rested his mind and reflected on his life and the many battles he had already fought and the many beings he had struck down. In his twelfth year as a Jedi he had grown so powerful that even Yoda feared that his powers would corrupt his soul. Yoda had sent him here to meditate and find his true center and anchor it so he would not become consumed with the power he was able to wield. In just his 3rd year as a padiwan he saved his master at the Battle of Cornilia. Just when his master would have been cut in two by Darth Nero and his infamous “The 100”, padiwan Jess killed them all with a wave of his hand. He did not reach out to the force. He refocused it into a tiny point of energy and focused on the brain stems of every enemy that he could see. In less than a second they all collapsed and died. This was never taught at the Academy. In fact no Jedi had ever done anything on this scale ever. Jess was the youngest Jedi to ever reach the testing phase to become a Jedi Master. Jess surpassed his own master in every way and only Yoda was able to mentor him in how to stay focused in the force and within himself. Jess was torn as he felt he should be on the Battlefield with the other Jedi while these Clone Wars raged on. But there was something, something he could not yet see yet it was there. Yoda had another reason for him to be in this place. “He’s keeping me in reserve, I am his Calvary!” Jess said to himself. Jess closed his eyes and listened to nothing but the sound of the waves crashing against the sand. He could not help it but a smile crept upon his face. Yoda will need me. Soon.   Jess cleared his mind and focused himself in the force. He tried to find his center a place in which to call his core. He searched his mind and tried to figure out why he lacked what so many young padiwans find so quickly and easily in the first year of training. Most find their center in some strong happy memory of family or place. “I have none that is my problem. I have none because my whole family was slaughtered by pirates when I was just a boy. Yoda was right to send me here. I am in danger I am vulnerable to the dark side, yes that is what he fears.” Jess thinks back to that night so long ago when he was 6 years old. He awoke to the screams of his sister only to be silenced by a blaster. He ran to the airlock door and opened it. He saw more than half of his family dead on the floor. Most were cut in half by a light saber the rest had a blaster hole in their chest or head. His parents were already dead and were lying side by side in the center of the room. He saw his uncle and his aunt and two cousins cut down by a man in a dark uniform and a light saber in his hand. It only took half a second to move his blade through all of them. He was now the only one left alive. He wanted to cry and scream but some unknown force kept him quiet and told him to move and sneak away and hide. It was like his family was shouting at him to run and hide. He knew of just the place, a small access panel that only contained some valves and wires and was so small that he could just barely fit inside it. He ran into the storage room and climbed behind some pipes and found the small access panel and opened it and slid inside. He was lying down on his back and he reached up and pulled the cover closed. Moments later he could hear the familiar clanking of the boots of the man with the light saber. Jess was filled with fear and began to imagine that he was not even on the ship anymore. He pretended he was far away in his old home with his family and that he was safe and happy. His heart rate dropped and began to calm to normal. He did not even hear the sound of the boots as they walked out of the storage area and towards the front of the ship. When he became aware of where he was and what he had witnessed the pirates had taken what they wanted and left the ship. Jess climbed out of his hiding place and ran to the main salon. They were all dead. He ran to the navigation station and looked to see if anyone was left on board. No, he was alone. He looked at the screen and saw the command button for “Resume” and pressed it. The ship lurched momentarily and began gaining speed. It took four more days for it to reach Selonia, a planet that his family use to live on. They were heading there to honor their dead and to celebrate the new life given to the family when the pirates attacked.